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Two states for two peoples?

Early December 2022, thinc. published “Two States for Two Peoples?” – a comprehensive study of the European Union’s approach to creating a Palestinian state. The report, launched in the European Parliament, explores the main features of the EU two-state policy, how it has failed so far, and how to proceed consistent with legal, historical, and political […]

False knowledge and Neo-Orientalism

Two reports in which definitions and claims of apartheid in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that delegitimise the State of Israel are deconstructed, exposing the premeditated attempts of powerful NGOs to delegitimise the Jewish State.

Report on trends in the delegitimisation of Israel

The International Legal Forum recently published a report ’Summary of Trends & Key Events of 2020 – Looking Ahead Towards 2021‘. A report full of pratical insights w.r.t. anti-Semitism and delegitimization.

Israel on Trial

In 2018, the State of Israel turned 70, but it has never been fully accepted as a member of the international community. Notwithstanding peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan, conflict between Israel and some of its neighbors in the region is looming. And peace between Israel and the Palestinians seems as far away as ever. Why?

The Hague Statement of jurists on the Israel-Palestine conflict

Peace Palace - Seat of the ICJ -The Hague, The Netherlands

On 28th and 29th June 2017, 24 international lawyers and experts in the field of international law, from 12 nations, convened at the Peace Palace in The Hague to discuss the legal implications of UNSC Resolution 2334 and the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Res 2334 refers to the 2004 […]

Steun thinc. - Uw gids voor Israël en het internationaal recht

Welkom. thinc biedt ons groeiende netwerk van vrienden en experts wereldwijd inzichten die van belang zijn in het conflict tussen Israël en hun tegenstanders door de lens van het internationaal recht.
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