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Jerusalem and the future of the Two-state Solution

From 8 - 9 January 2019, a seminar has taken place in the House of Parliament of the Czech Republic in Prague about the role and policies of the EU vis-a-vis the status of Jerusalem and the future of the Two-state Solution under international law. The Proceedings of the seminar are available from this site.
Jerusalem and the future of the Two-state Solution


Seminar Proceedings, Prague, 8-9 January 2019

From 8 – 9 January 2019, a seminar took place in the House of Parliament of the Czech Republic in Prague under the theme ‘Jerusalem and the future of the Two-state Solution’ . The objective of the seminar was to clarify the need for a paradigm shift concerning the Israel-Palestine conflict, especially with regard to the role and policies of the EU. The seminar was organised by thinc. in cooperation with the William Wilberforce Institute. Click here to read or download the Proceedings of the seminar.



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